Why I Want To Go To College

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Ever since I can remember I've been excited for the day that I would be able to go to Maine South. I knew how great of a school it was and how fortunate I am that one day I could call this school mine. There’s so many clubs and sports to join and new classes I would want to take. Now that I am lucky enough to be here I want to take full advantage of everything possible. My goal is to flourish here at Maine south and I am positive that I will. Everyone hopes to have an impact on someone, and I am definetly one person who does. I love knowing that joining the PAC means that I can be a representative of the students here and have the ability to make the school a more positive environment for everyone here. I believe that these four years in a person’s life can have a lasting affect on them and I hope that my influence on the school will help people to grow into a great student, friend and citizen. …show more content…

It is easy for me to know a person and to learn their likes and dislikes, which can help me see what they think can improve in the school. With that knowledge we are able to help support students and make this school an even greater place to learn. Many people may believe that my lack of time here wouldn’t make me a great candidate, but I disagree. Being a freshman comes with many new and sometimes challenging experiences, from finding your way around the school, meeting new friends, opening your locker, and a more difficult workload. I’ve been able to complete all this encounters and I’ve learned something different from each one of them. So many people have helped me to have an easy adjustment here, and that is something I’m so lucky to have. With all the help I’ve been given and what I have learned I expect to see myself helping others in the same way and letting everyone have an easier transition to high

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