Why I Want To Be Staff Essay

664 Words2 Pages








AEST, Australia

Why Do You Want To Be Staff?

I would like to be staff on heliospvp because i feel there is not enough staff at this point of time, and i believe that i can fulfill a vacant staff spot because i am very active and a well known player on the server. I also would like to become staff because as a player that has started from map1 i know all rules and expectations of how to ban being staff in general. I also think i have the maturity level as a staff to not lose my shit at someone or be toxic, i also have a good connection with the community here on helios and i was pretty much on everyday after school and homework but since the map has ended there is no reason for me to go in the ts, i am very active in ts so i will be always there if someone was in support waiting room all has poked me a problem and will be very supportive to the server no matter what happens for example when the server was getting attacked the great helios community stuck in there and we …show more content…

I have earned my maturity level over the years of having jobs and it has also showed me that no boss wants a employee that is not trustworthy and i am indeed very trustworthy i will always be honest and be the guy that is reliable when yous need someone and if i ever do screw up ill always admit to yous on ts in game etc, Ill always be devoting time towards helping the community and players who are in need of a command or just general help ill mainly focus on the hackers and will be very handy in the sense of banning us people because i do stay up very

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