Why Her Mother Left Her In The Woods

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Once upon a time, there was a little girl who lived in the woods. To explain exactly why her mother left her in the woods would mean telling a whole other elaborate and long story, so I’ll just tell you this: she had been left there as a tiny baby with a whole new identity then she had had before. Now her name was Grace. She had been left with a note, that said that the girl’s mother could no longer care for her, so the only logical thing to do was to leave her in the woods without a good explanation(which was quite stupid). As Grace grew older, she developed many skills from being in the wild. She learned how to locate different types of food, such as berries and small animals. She also learned how to be more aware of her surroundings, which …show more content…

It would get extremely cold, and sometimes her food stache would freeze and rot, including the meat and berries. Another issue about living in the wild was the scary animals. Grace had to look for indications that there were threatening animals near where she was before she went off looking for small things to hunt. One of the benefits of living on your own was that there was never anybody to argue with you over how your manners weren’t adequate or tell you the appropriate way to do things. However, Grace did wish that she had somebody to play with, even if they would get in arguments sometimes. She just assumed that there was nobody else living in the lonely woods. But little did she know, that assumption was …show more content…

You could define the sickness as the “flu times ten,” according to Hallie. This caused Grace to have to do things by herself for a while. Grace tried to go hunting, since their food supply was low, but it was winter, and the untouched snow nearby was evidence that indicated that there were no animals out and about, which included even the tiniest mice and moles. Grace eventually identified a fruit tree, which still had some edible fruit on it, but the factor that it was winter meant that the fruit was frozen as hard as a rock. But since Grace’s character was determined, she held the fruit in her hands for a long time and it thawed. She made a contribution of half of the fruit to her sick friend. Hallie ate the fruit as fast as she could, which consequently lead to her throwing it back up. Grace ate hers slowly, and as a consequence, it stayed inside of her. Hallie asked for Grace to go get her another fruit, and Grace said to justify why she should. Hallie gave a demonstration that she was very sick by pretending to throw up again and Grace sighed and went and got Hallie another

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