Why Hacking Is Wrong

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Little or no people know about hacking. People don’t know about what can be hacked and can’t. Our daily use tools such as computers, laptops, tablets, digital machines, and phones are hackable. With a single attack hack, bad hackers can search our information through the digital tools we use. For us, there is nothing we can do. But we can be protect by some people who have certain skills. Those people are call hackers or people prefer calling good hackers who are hired by government or private sectors and have less, same, or more knowledges about hacking like bad hackers. In the article “The U.S. Army is teaching kids how to hack at DEF CON,” Selena Larson successfully claims one of the solution to prevent cyber-hack attacks is to raise youngster …show more content…

According to Selena Larson in the news article “The U.S. Army is teaching kids how to hack at DEF CON,” the main idea is to educate kids about hacking and raise them as future good hackers to secure our cyber system. Larson says, “It’s is expected that there will be a job shortage of 2 million cybersecurity professional by 2022.” Youngsters are important source for the future to fill up the jobs for the future cybersecurity. Kids are learning the way of hacking from the hack experts. They might grow up as good hackers who are able to hack the government webs to help find the weakness of the system. Government needs more hackers to protect the cyber system. Larson also reports, “One thing everyone can agree on is that teaching kids to hack is one of the most important things the security community can do.” Since there are many bad hackers out there; government need to recruit many good hackers to protect from hack attacks. The event such as DEF CON is very important in raising future good hackers because the kids learn to differentiate between good hacking and bad hacking (Roose). Security will fail if there are not enough hackers to defend against the cyber hackers’ …show more content…

In an article “A Solution to Hackers? Add More Hackers,” Roose mentions, “He said that hackers could be enormously valuable, if they were properly enlisted in the fight against attacks.” Roose explains many hackers are prevented from working, practicing, or researching their hacking because of the Computer Fraud Laws and Abuse Act. Some talented hackers with little bad backgrounds, which include violated the copyright, cannot get the jobs at the government agency. He states many big companies already discovered the benefits of the hackers because these spend less money for hiring the expert hackers to protect their webs, accounts and exchange system than paying for the lost after the online hacker’s attacks. In the article, Roose tells, “We should take the advantage of their willingness to help secure our national infrastructure.” He also claims many hackers want to protect the national security system because their security, credits, and life depend on it. Lately, the government gives hackers the opportunity to legally hack government websites to check the weaknesses of the websites such as Pentagon. The result from the legally hack event show there are as many as 138 ways bad hackers can attack the Pentagon website(Roose). The main idea is to let the hackers be active in their work with little restrictions by the government laws. For example, the government

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