Why Does Misael Lopez Need To Be Illegal?

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In this article Mr. Misael Lopez former legal adviser to the Venezuelan embassy in Iraq was caught revealing a secret that the government at the time didn’t want to be revealed. This secret that Lopez reveal was in concern to a passport scheme that was being sold to people who was not Venezuelan and to people who are associated with terrorism, Lopez who is 41 years of age was introduced to this scheme when he started his job at the Venezuelan embassy in July 2013 on his first day when he was handed and envelope containing visa and passport which he was supposed to sell outside of the embassy in order to make a quick buck on the side, however, he declined to offer and we on working but in that process many other unethical and illegal opportunities …show more content…

Lopez was being dissent when he turn down the act of selling the passport that was given to him by his new boss Venezuelan ambassador Jonathan Velasco on his first day, Mr. Lopez stated “he gave me an envelope full of visas and passport” he was also told that he could make one million U.S dollars if he sold the passport to Syrians and terrorist, Lopez thought it was a test and ignored it, but was later told by and interpreter that he made thousands of dollars by selling passports, in this scenario in my opinion Mr. Lopez was being dissent when he told her that the action was wrong and refused to participate in this illegal action, to me he was being an honest and loyal employee to the embassy by looking out for their best interest by stating outright that it was …show more content…

Lopez continue to find out more dishonesty and unlawful conduct within the embassy, in which one employee was fired when it was discovered that she was using the embassy’s official stamp in order to authenticate visas, in firing that employee for being dishonest and unethical I find Mr. Lopez was being very honest and dissent in his job. However during a few months of his job after finding other unethical behavior within the embassy Lopez decided to email the ambassador Velasco about his finding to see what was his thoughts about his finding ,but instead of getting a reply he was ignored at this point he was still being honest and loyal to the embassy because he was letting them know what was going on within the organization by going through the correct channel and the correct authority’s within the embassy instead of going

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