Why Does It Difficult To Read Landscape?

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Introduction While reading the landscape it is generally more complicated than it may appear. Landscape is something that is open to individual interpretation, meaning that not one person will read and understand the landscape the same way. Trying to figure out what the landscape is, is something that makes reading the landscape difficult. Looking at who is reading the landscape as well as the different aspects of a landscape help to better understand why it can be very difficult to read the landscape. If everyone were to read one landscape, only a few people would understand it in the same way, with this being said landscape is a lot harder to read than it may appear at first.
The Landscape There are many complications when it comes to reading the landscape. It is hard to examine a landscape because there are many different landscapes within the world, these landscapes do not to be real and can be made from the imagination. Landscapes can be classified as landscapes as long as they can be drawn onto a map, real or imaginary. Being able to read a landscape is difficult when trying to identify the main use of the landscape. When trying to read a landscape, knowing information about the area is important to help better understand the function of the landscape.
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What stands out to one person as an important part of the landscape may not be important to another person. This is why many people will understand a landscape differently than their peers. If a landscape is designed to be a social space such as a patio outside a bar many people may use this as a place to socialize, but many people may read it as an area to smoke or eat their lunch. Many people will also read a landscape based on assumptions they may have the area, if it is known to be a crime filled area, a lot of people will read this as a negative aspect of the

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