Why Do Writers Use A Fake Names?

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Names are the way of giving new life. Some can be real and some can be fake how is using a fake name useful? When you’re a writer, it’s very useful. For a good number of authors, having a pen name is the only way to get their work published. Even to this day, authors are out there using pen names, only in order to stem biases and preconceived notions. Authors use fake names or Pen names to gain freedom, flexibility, and opportunity in the work of the author. For starters, authors use pen names to feel free, flexible, have more opportunity, and some fear embarrassment if the book doesn’t make the cut. For example, in the first source titled as “What’s in a Name by E. Bennet” “Eric Blair author of Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty- Four adopted the name George Orwell because he feared his early work would embarrass his family.” Also, in the fourth source titled “Who is Richard Bachman by J.L. Campbell” “Stephen King has also written using the pen name Richard Bachman; the Bachman name has been with King for almost the duration of his career. Initially, King wanted to write using the Bachman pseudonym so that he would be able to publish more books.” …show more content…

To prove my statement in source number one named “What’s in a Name by E. Bennet” “When a local newspaper refused him publication, sixteen year old Benjamin Franklin started writing letters to the editor under the persona of the middle aged widow Silence Dogood.” For some, they had to use another pen name in order to write a certain kind of books. Shown in the first source titled “What’s in a Name by E. Bennet” “In fact, Rowling became so famous that she later turned to another pen name, Robert Galbraith, in order to write detective novels. For Rowling, a pen name meant a fresh start and a chance to explore new genre without the pressure of her Harry Potter

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