Why Do We Want In The Necklace

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Wants vs. Needs
Wants vs. needs. They are both very different things. Things like air, water, and food are needs but other things like the newest cell phone or those beautiful diamond earrings are not. So how do we decide what we want vs. what we need?
In the story The Necklace by Guy de Maupssant the subject of wants comes into play the most. The young, pretty, and charming girl named Mathilde is living the life she feels she does not deserve and is married to a man she was not hoping for, “She suffered constantly, feeling that all the attributes of a gracious life, every luxury, should have rightfully been hers (pg.373).” One night she is given an invite to a ball but was complaining about not going because she had nothing to wear, “I haven't a thing to wear. How could I go?” (pg.375). She goes to her friend and gets a diamond necklace to borrow for the night but, by the end of the evening she finds the necklace is gone. She waste her whole life to pay it back after buying a new one to replace it when she finds out, years later, the necklace was fake. …show more content…

A man by the name of Jonathan and his family come out of the forest after a long and hard war. The first thing you hear from this character is that he is grateful to be alive. “He had come out of the war with five inestimable blessings- his head, his wife Maria’s head, and the heads of three out of their four children” (pg.389). He was happy to have even the little things like his old, small house still standing and his bike, “As a bonus he also had his old bicycle” (pg.389). He and his family went through so much so when he found he even had small things others around him did not, he was beyond grateful, “Nothing puzzles God”

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