Why Do We Need To Be Taken For Granted

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We often find it easy to take the blessings God has given us for granted; so easy to want more and be ungrateful, rather than to count the blessings we have everyday. The more we complain about the things we wish we can have, the more we will be accustomed to take things for granted, and the more we will be unsatisfied… God has given us many blessings that are often taken for granted, and the reason why we feel the need to complain about not having a Gucci bag, a Bentley in our driveways, or living an amazing lavish life is because we think that we will find happiness in all of these things. Instead of wishing for all of these things, take a moment to thank God for the things he has given you, like a family, a roof over your head, food on your table, clean drinking water, proper clothing, free education, endless opportunities etc… Now, think have you ever took any one of these things for granted? We put our happiness into materialistic things, and think that it will solve all our problems. Well I am here to tell you straight up, that you will never find happiness in objects like a Gucci bag, or a new iphone, or even a brand new car. Everyday we wake up without …show more content…

The blessing of having a family and people that love and care for you are one of the main things that people take advantage of. We often assume that the people in our life now will stay in our life forever. If you aren’t grateful for the people in your life you have taken their love for granted. Imagine walking into a foster care or an adoption place, and seeing so many children wish to feel loved and cared for. They yearn for a loving and caring family that won’t leave them out in the cold.So, always be thankful that you are surrounded by people you can call family and a place you can call home, because not every child is as fortunate as you, to have a loving and care family or a cozy

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