Why Do We Need Money In The Great Gatsby

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Many people spend money and buy things they don't want, to gain the attention of people they like. In F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel The Great Gatsby, money is one of the main aspects for many of the characters. They are all motivated by the life money can give them but it tends to cause a lot of difficulties. A lot of competition arises from the desire of wanting to be better than everyone else and to always get what they want. In the 1920’s it was a great time to have money due to the new technology and supplies available. This was when wealth was at an all-time high and people always had money to spend. They always showed off how wealthy and successful they were by throwing parties, gambling and buying items they don’t need. During the novel, …show more content…

They are lower class due to the small amounts of money they have. She is someone who can never get what she wants because her husband cannot provide for her. She is also the mistress of Tom Buchanan, a very wealthy man from East Egg. The fact that she is having an affair with someone of a higher class, someone who has money, makes Myrtle someone who is very dishonest towards her husband. This affects George’s behaviour extremely because when he finds out he becomes mentally ill. He realizes that he is married to someone who has no respect for him because he cannot provide for her. Myrtle even mentions to her sister that she regrets marrying George. She says, “‘ I married him because I thought he was a gentleman,’she said finally. ‘ I thought he knew something about breeding, but he wasn’t fit to lick my shoe’” (39). This clearly proves that she was not meant for him and she married him because he was nice, not because she loved him. She thought the best for her was to cheat on her husband with someone who has money, so she can get whatever she …show more content…

He throws outrageous parties and is popular because of all his money. When Nick, the narrator, goes for a ride with Gatsby, he finds out a lot about him but is very skeptical about what he is saying. He advised Nick by saying, “‘I am the son of some wealthy people in the middle-west -- all dead now. I was brought up in America but educated at Oxford because all my ancestors have been educated there for many years. It is a family tradition’”(69). Later on in the novel, we find out Gatsby had been lying the whole time and had received all his money from bootlegging. He was born into a poor farmer family and basically had nothing. The reason he did this was to become rich, but also to win the love of his life over. He thought that if he made money, Daisy Buchanan would fall in love with him again because all Daisy cares about is money and status. After everyone finds out about this no one no longer trusts him

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