Why Do We Need Control Over Others

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Control is something that everyone not only wants, but needs to a certain degree. To have no control would make life a real challenge and could make one question their will to live. This doesn't mean that the control in question here is the control of others. The type of control this relates to is self control and having the ability to decide what one will or won't do. To have control over others is one thing, and it is something very different to have it over oneself. Control is a vital part of life; the defining factor is the kind of control that someone is motivated by. If one chooses self control then they will be seen in one way and if they chose control over others, then they will be seen in another way. Good And Bad It's the difference between being a labelled as a 'good' human being and being labelled as a 'bad' human being. And yet beyond these labels is a human being and as human beings we contain these so called 'good' and 'bad' elements. Some people have realised one and the other remains nothing more than a potential. …show more content…

The primary distinction is often due to the kind of people that they have been around from the moment they were born. Different Degrees And even though someone is not extremely controlling in their personal or business life or a dictator of a country for instance, it doesn't mean that they don't need to experience a certain amount of control. The need will be there, it will just be a more balanced need. It won't be something that has possessed them and ended up taking complete control of their ability question whether it is right or wrong. What they will do is exercise control in a way that is generally functional and doesn't infringe on the rights of others. Self

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