Personal Essay: Locus Of Control

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Locus of Control
“The extent to which people believe they have power over events in their lives. A person with an internal locus of control believes that he or she can influence events and their outcomes, while someone with an external locus of control blames outside forces for everything,” (Fournier, n.d.). There are two types of people in this world whose results can be effectively measured using Locus of control. Locus of control can be used as measuring tool in people who feel; that they are accountable for their own behaviours. Individuals who score a high internal result on a locus of control test tend to believe that they are in control of their own destiny and everything that happens to them is their own doing. But, individuals with …show more content…

If I had an a high external locus control, I could felt like prisoner of luck, fate, my genetic make-up, or socioeconomic status, rather than feeling that I have control over what happens in my life. However, the test results proved me wrong. Due that I have a high internal locus of control, I often take responsibility for my actions as well as credit for my behaviours. “This makes me more proactive in everything I do and seem to have struck a balance between the two ends of the spectrum, (Locus Of Control & Attribution Style Test - Sample Report, n.d.). Therefore, I constantly tell myself that it is vital for me to try my best, accept and understand my own limits but I should also not give up that easily without a fight. If I perceived myself as someone who lacked control, I may find myself inhibiting motivation, initiative and willingness to take risks. Thus, under such circumstances, chances of success can be diminished. The results of the locus control are a clear indication that I lean towards furthest towards the internal side, which is healthier end of the spectrum to be

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