Why Do Sugary Food Should Be Banned From Schools

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Essay on Two Different Perspectives

Imagine yourself in the school lunch line, choosing your daily meal. You reach for the ice cream bars from the fridge, but there are none left. It’s been replaced with yogurt and salads. The chocolate chip rainbow cookies have been replaced with carrot sticks. Worried, you rush to get some chips and a soda from the vending machine. But where the machines once were, are now replaced with an empty, white wall. President Obama has been requesting for middle and high schools to ban candy and soda from school lunches and vending machines. It’s not the government's decision to decide what we eat and where we eat it! Sugary foods and drinks should not be banned from school. …show more content…

The removal of vending machines and snacks must stop. Why is there so much talk about banning soda and candy from schools? When our country faces a problem, such as our nation’s childhood obesity epidemic, it’s more easier to simply blame sugary snacks, rather than tackling the roots of the problem. But no kid would eat all that sugary food in just 30 minutes! Obese kids would probably eat sugary and fatty foods, but not on school grounds. Many people who have tried to lose weight by avoiding tempting foods. But many people who try cannot keep their promise. Banning sugary snacks from school is setting yourself up for failure. If you try to ban snacks & sodas from schools, the students will most likely revolt. Trying to remove vending machines containing sugary snacks and sodas is a waste of time. Soda and candy should not be removed from

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