Why Do Students Change Their Expectations For Colleges?

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Change is a big topic of discussion, because people and things are changing each day. Colleges are always changing their expectations for applicants. When a college changes this so rapidly this can cause a confusion among students trying to get into their dream college. In this case it is vitally important to know their expectations so that students can display their strengths in those very areas. The top three reasons colleges will want students this year is because of their strong effort in rigorous courses, their leadership roles in clubs and extracurricular activities, and their commitment to intellectual curiosity. Grades are an important factor in the acceptance process for colleges. Grades are very important because of the impact that it may have on the future. Also grades are a great indicator for colleges on whether to choose this student or not. …show more content…

These kind of activities show that the student has great leadership and social skills aside from the amazing academic skills. Being involved in something beyond the learning realm can propel students to be the best in college. Not only does it propel the student but it can help them have a higher acceptance rate at almost every college. Not only are extra activities important to colleges but so is the intellectual that is made through reading, writing, and critical thinking. Exploring the intellectual and being interested is very important to colleges. Colleges want students to be continually pushing themselves to grow without the help of classes. The ability to be able to read text and understand it fully the first time is rare and is what colleges want. They want students to be practiced up on their critical thinking and reading so that in their rigorous college classes they are prepared and ready to ace them. Not only is the intellectual skills important but colleges look at the whole picture to see if the student is well

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