Why Do People Take Selfies?

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On Nov 19, Oxford Dictionaries declared “selfie” Word of the Year for 2013, in honor of the term having taken over the world thanks to millions of Smartphone self-portraits and the resulting shares on social media. When I start writing this paper, there are 326,634,280 posts with the #selfies in instagram. Many people enjoy the pleasure that selfies bring to them, which is seeing their image in the picture. Long before the electronic devises exist, people already began to be eager to express themselves by using rock painting and with the development of western oil painting, The beginning of the selfies is more conveyed by the values of the self, and the artists explore themselves by selfies. self-portrait has become a way for people to show …show more content…

First of all, people are a group of animals. Everyone has the desire to talk, share and communicate. They show themselves on some social platforms to get people's approval and recognition, so they are greatly satisfied in psychology, and also a release of pressure. Take myself, a dynamic self always have more praise and criticism, so it will send the next time in dynamic thinking with a selfie. Therefore it is a two-way process, selfies gets more attention, it will have more people taking selfies. Some people would take selfies because of they want to build up their self-images by using selfies, because selfies can be editable, though editing prople shows the perfect of their own, in order to make up for deficiencies in the real world. This is why people play a role in the homemade network, a virtual scene in the self construction. Normally, we recognize people by how their looks, Social media provide us the way to present ourselves. So now we are using selfies to build up how we look in front of public. Some people would take selfies because they believe they can use selfies to make money. In fact, people can use their selfies to make money, people take sefies as the advertisement of their beauty. Those people who got millions follower in instagram makes huge amount of money by promoting other company’s product. Economists usually call the money they get because of their beauty that Beauty premium . In the other word, beautiful …show more content…

So we pull out our camera and phones to keep the beautiful scene in digital way. Long before the camera exist people use painting to keep the beautiful scene. The artist himself painted portraits, called "self portrait", is one of the earliest artists as a form of self-awakening and establishment of the Renaissance in the limelight. Self-portrait is not only an autobiographical recording method, but also a way for artists to understand themselves, analyze themselves and evaluate themselves. In the Renaissance of Italy, self-portraits were called "mirrors in the mirror". From sixteenth Century onwards, artists began to present themselves with easel palette and brush in hand, with a self-portrait of the maulstick. Each self-portrait can be regarded as a kind of performance, and the artist chooses a special kind of dress and posture for it to present a role. For centuries, countless artists work in this subject, especially Vincent Van Gogh, Blanc Mahlmannsson, Reynolds, Freda, Carol left considerable number of self portrait, self portrait in the way they will own skilled painting skills and positive enterprising spirit to most incisive performance on paper. Lighting and filter effect on modern self-profound life Rembrandt, painted more than 90 self portraits. Rembrandt will draw at least two self-portraits

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