Why Do People Resist Change Naturally

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PRO: People Just Resist Change Naturally
According to Robert Tanner, a leadership professional with over twenty years of experience at all level of management, “It is not in our nature to make changes that we view as harmful to our current situation” (Tanner, 2017). In addition to it, Mr. Tanner explains that people do actually resist change naturally due to the fear that we normally undergo in respect to failure, which in many cases, it takes place in our work life. As for example, when we encounter changes that are being implemented at our workplace, these new adjustments could be seen as substantial obstacles, and consequently, it can cause our brain to have serious doubts about our capabilities to perform other different tasks than the ones we are already used to execute in our current job. In other words, we would naturally feel worried and therefore resist change if we cannot adapt to the new work requirements. …show more content…

On the other hand, although I believe that sometimes “change” could be inevitable in someone’s life based on specific circumstances, I totally agree that people just resist change naturally due to the fear that we face toward the unknown, and because it is, in fact, part of our behavior as human beings (Jack, 2014). Furthermore, Sue Langley, a global business consultant and a leading advisor on the practical workplace applications of neuroscience states, “Even when faced with a life-threatening situation, people tend to resist change despite knowing the repercussions” (Langley, 2012). For instance, when we see that change is happening around us, we naturally feel threatened. This behavior is due to our brain’s threat-reward system, in which we basically desire to minimize threat and maximize reward (Langley,

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