Why Do People Commit Murder?

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Murder, a common thing that happens in our society today, is thought of as a horrible and inhumane act of violence. Much of the current debate revolves around the issue that why it is universally regarded as "bad" among human beings is still so popular. What brings people to kill, and what goes on in their head should be considered. Therefore, this essay will discuss the specific reasons why people commit murder.
In the first place, childhood pain is the cause which makes people commit murder. According to Kevin Wright, professor of criminal justice at the State University of New York, people who are neglected or abused are more likely to commit murder later in life than others. The evidence of the professional literature is overwhelming: people …show more content…

Education is much more important today than it ever was. The quality and quantity of education a person receives are commonly viewed as a determinate of that person’s success and way of life. The disparity between the education levels of the inmate population and the general population is astounding. Only 18% of the general population have not completed high school or any equivalence, while 27% of federal inmates, 40% of state inmates, 47% of local jail inmates and 31% of probationers failed to do so (Harlow 2). One aspect of the importance of education in against murder is that a school is a place where people learn many important social skills (“Education and Crime” 1; Lochner 1-3. Education may develop enough social skills to deter people from engaging in crime, especially murder. The school stresses many behaviors that are not very useful in the criminal world including, treating others with respect and striving to be a good citizen. Education also gives people a future-driven look on life, which will cause them to contemplate the consequences of criminal activity more. A future-driven individual is more patient and less likely to take the risk associated with criminal activity (Lochner 1-5). Therefore, lack of education means murderer lost the chance to succeed in life, as well as understand and change their mind before doing …show more content…

On Friday, July 22nd, 2016, a gunman killed nine people at a mall in Munich, Germany. The 18-year-old shooter was subsequently characterized by the media as being under psychiatric care and harboring at least two obsessions. One, an obsession with mass shootings, including that of Anders Breivik who ultimately killed 77 people in Norway in 2011, and the other an obsession with video games. A Los Angeles, California, news report stated that the gunman was “an avid player of first-person shooter video games, including “Counter-Strike”, while another headline similarly declared, “Munich gunman, a fan of violent video games, rampage killers, had planned attack for a year”(CNN Wire, 2016; Reuters, 2016). This incident suggesting that violent video games influence players too much. In 2014, psychologist Wayne Warburton more broadly concluded that the vast majority of studies have found “that exposure to violent media increases the likelihood of aggressive behavior in the short and longterm, increases hostile perceptions and attitudes, and desensitizes individuals to violent content” (Warburton, 2014, p.

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