Why Do People Choose Not To Vote

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I agree with both sides of this argument. It wouldn’t be fair to say that all citizens are equally educated on their options prior to voting. On the other hand, there are several citizens that are educated enough to make a solid vote on the candidate in which they choose. To force everyone to vote in all levels of elections would take away the right for those who choose not to vote. This would however be useful in achieving the opinion of every individual citizen. Some citizens are very good researchers and take the time to educate themselves prior to election day, on the other hand, some citizens lack confidence in their capabilities of researching factual information based on the candidates they choose to vote for. Even though both indeed have the right to vote, it may be better to keep voting a choice, because it would possibly keep more of the uneducated voters out of the ballot stack. However if we truly recognize the power of the voter, then encouraging everyone to vote may be not enough, but making it a law and forcing every citizen to vote would be demanding a more inclusive overall result. …show more content…

Many people assume the voters who choose not to vote are simply lazy, or are not patriotic. I think we should recognize these individuals as well due to the fact they are unsatisfied with the results of who is running in the race. It might be a place common to those who try to vote for the third party candidates. Since funding is majorly placed into a two party system, it is no wonder why we lose voters due to the lack of presentation and fairness in the airwaves of media. If we continue to allow corporations fund the two party system, how is it ever going to allow room to invite third party candidates to express their viewpoints and

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