Why Do Athletes Use Performance Enhancing Drugs?

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The use of Performance Enhancing Drugs has been a big controversy in the world of sports. There has been debates on whether these drugs should be allowed into sports and be legalized. Over time there have been tons of athletes that have used Performance Enhancing Drugs and has been common nowadays. That is why many people believe that they should be allowed and they have strong arguments. If Performance Enhancing Drugs were to be allowed then it is said that athletes will become better and the game will be destroyed but that is not the case because not all of these drugs increase the ability of the user. That is because everyone’s body reacts to the drug differently. If these drugs were to be allowed it would make the sports more interesting …show more content…

Many people believe that it is a just an easy way for athletes to get better without working for it. There is also a risk for taking these drugs because it can cause damage to the user. There has been studies that show that these drugs do hurt the user maybe not right away but down the road. These people believe that if Performance Enhancing Drugs are allowed that it will hurt younger player because they will be influenced do them too. The biggest reason people do not want Performance Enhancing Drugs in sports is it hurts the game. It will make sports easier and athletes will not want to work as hard. A big issue with bringing drugs into the sports world is the impact on the players. First of all they would have to do something about all the players that were banned from their sports from using illegal drugs. Then the players will have to risk of corrupting the youth and hurting them but more importantly their health. Performance Enhancing Drugs have been banned from sports for a long time but there are reasons why they should and should not be brought into sports and the impact on the …show more content…

Performance enhancing drugs are banned in the world of sports but should it really be? Performance Enhancing Drugs or other wise known as PED’s should be allowed in sports for simple reasons. The first and main reason is that not all these banned drugs increase ability. ”Not all performance Enhancing Drugs (PEDs) in sports are to make athletes faster or stronger.” Some PED’s are used for medical reasons prescribed by a doctor and they need to take them or their case will get worse. This has been seen in sports many times but they still get a suspension from their sport. Others may use these PED’s for injuries like steroids because they increase muscle in a more rapid pace than it normally does. “As researchers continue to unlock the chemical secrets of the human body, it is reasonable to assume that additional drugs that confer an athletic advantage will be developed by not a for sure fact. Another reason that PED’s should be allowed in sports is that everyone’s body reacts to different drugs differently. Some drugs that may cause someone to be a better athlete may not have the same effect to someone else. The system also can not understand the difference between any of these. "The drug testing system has loopholes big enough that I could navigate an Abrams tank through it," Yesalis says. There have been times that athletes have

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