Why Do Athletes Get Overpaid

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In our world today, we have many different types of sports. There is basketball, baseball, golf, soccer, and countless others. For many people, these sports are what their lives revolve around. They spend time playing, watching, or even coaching these different activities. However, all of these sports did not used to be portrayed as they are in this day and age. For ancient civilizations, these sports were used to present a man’s strength and ability. Nowadays, they are used as forms of bragging and for one’s own personal gain. It seems that with every year that passes, the world of professional sports is losing its sense of honor and pride more and more. This slow downward spiral has been a result of greed, money, and publicity. Most of today’s athletes take their physical abilities for granted and are only involved in the world of sports for the attention and income. …show more content…

Money is said to be what makes the entire world go round. It also happens to be what maintains the lavish lifestyles of athletes. According to statistics, professional athletes make roughly one hundred times more the amount of income than our nation’s soldiers. This means that today’s athletes are being paid an excessive amount of money for simply playing a sport. The kind of income that athletes are earning is what is driving their greed. With the more money they earn, the more selfish they become. This is where the honor that comes with great athletic feats begins to crumble. Instead of having the love of a sport and the desire to prove doubters wrong, these athletes are driven by their own wants. What first began as something inspirational and was a way to show one’s own mental and physical toughness evolved into a money-making machine. However, not all athletes have this greed in their hearts, but the majority that do are only participating in a sport because they like the

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