Why Did The Spanish Fight Against The Aztecs

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The conflict and the defeat of the aztecs could not have been prevented. The spanish wanted land and gold and discovered Tenochitillan. Due to their advanced weapons, their hatred for the Aztecs and their diseases the Aztecs had to have lost.

The Spanish military forces greatly helped them with the conquest of the Aztec Empire. They had advantages with their cavalry, firepower and steel. These weapons outdid the Aztecs in many aspects. The Aztecs were terrified of the Spanish, since they had never seen horses or canons ever before. The Spanish weapons consisted of pikes and swords made of hard steel, which was much stronger than any of the weapons the Aztecs had. The Spanish also had protective armour unlike the Aztecs. With this armour the Spanish faced less risks to death, while the Aztecs were extremely vulnerable. These weapons allowed the Spanish to fire towards the Aztecs, resulting in many deaths. The Aztecs were surprised to see these …show more content…

Human sacrifice was fairly common to the Aztecs, but other people had feared it. The Aztecs used to sacrifice many people throughout the year to nourish their gods. They believed that without the sacrificing, their gods would decide to end the world. Most people who were sacrificed were war prisoners that fought against the Aztecs, but they weren’t the only ones. When needed, they would also sacrifice adults and children. Since Cortes was a catholic man he was disgusted with what the Aztecs were doing. This allowed him to find allies and respect among other tribes that feared the Aztecs. With many allies the Spanish had an advantage of numbers against the Aztecs. With many cultures allied with the Spanish they had a strong force of men to fight against the Aztecs. Their alliance with the other cultures helped them greatly with war and

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