Why Did So Many Colonists Die

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The Death of Jamestown George sat on a old wooden chair, mouth parched. It’s the “Starving Time,” He sees as his 73 year old father fall dead. He takes one look at him and begins to cry, but his cry is drowned out by the roar of the indians. He looks up to see a spear hurtling towards him. This fiction story was set in 1610 Jamestown. The residents of Jamestown did not have very good associations with the indians. The starving time was a period of time where the residents of Jamestown ran out of food and water. The number one question of this essay though is “Why did so many colonists die?” One reason Jamestown colonists died is because they ran out of food. A colonists named Francis West traded/forced the indians to give him grain ,it states, Francis West “headed out in the Atlantic Ocean (with the grain) leaving the colonists to the indians and God.”(Hume 61) Another phenomenal reason they died is because “47 gentlemen.” (Smith 59) This is bad because gentlemen were people who didn't want to work and came to Jamestown to get more land. There were 110 colonists and that means that gentle men were 42% of the population of Jamestown. Gentle men were men who didn’t want to work. This made it so there was less food and more mouths. The lack of food was horrendous. …show more content…

These were the main problems because about 21 out of every 27 colonists died from them. Others may say that execution was but there was only one, “Capt. George Kendall is executed for mutiny.”(Fausz, 63) Another reason some colonists died is because the colonists were focused on riches like gold and silver instead of survival. The question ,”Jamestown: Why did so Many Colonists Die?,” (Roden 49) is important because if we didn’t ask ourselves that question we would repeat our mistakes of the past. In conclusion we need to keep a record of the past and present to better our

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