Why Bother By Michael Pollan Summary

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Diem 1
Gavin Diem
Professor Chris Paquette
English 1A
April 3, 2016
Why Do People Care if They Are Overweight or Not? Obesity has been forever altering our society. People are being approached by their physiques. This is making a negative impact on climate change. Ultimately, people want to have the ideal body. In order to do this, they need to tweak their behaviors in order to change society for the better. This complication can be altered and justice can be done. In the article “Why Bother?” by Michael Pollan, he discusses how people are in an environmental crisis. A justification or explanation to this change is due to the facts behind the types off physiques. People are realizing that there are opposing challenges …show more content…

Pollan claims, “Measured against the Problem We Face, planting a garden sounds pretty benign, I know, but in fact it’s one of the most powerful things an individual can do, to reduce your carbon footprint, sure, but more important, to reduce you sense of dependence and dividedness: to change the cheap-energy mind”(767). Larger humans place a larger footprint. Both articles helped refresh my awareness of this problem and how it affects people. I was pondering about this issue and realized there is a prodigious factor to this epidemic. I realized people that consume fast food on a daily basis tend to be larger human beings. Fast food is detrimental to ones health and can be high ranking in calories. I would consider factors such as these to be a top answer in the obesity epidemic. With the expanding food industry around the world occurring, it also comes to expanding fast food chains. It’s almost impossible to give in and consume these easy routes in life. People want to consume food quickly and cheaply. The author Pollan would ask the question, why bother with this problem? They do this because they don’t have enough time in their day to make food themselves. In Ann Marie Pauline’s text, “Cruelty, Civility, and Other Weighty Matters,” she discusses how people overweight are approached unreasonable. People are treated divergently amongst society as a whole. Ann Marie Paulin claims that obese people are seen as “lazy, stupid, ugly, lacking in self-esteem and pride, devoid of self-control”(203). People that are normal weight are treated reasonably. This process can be

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