Why Baseball Is Important To Me

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Lots of values that are important to me, but I have 3 that really stand out. My values are fitting for me because of the things I live by or believe in. The first is family, family is one of my top priorities in life. My Mom and Dad plus my two dogs Baxter and Bandit. My Mom is there for me no matter what I can trust her. I count on my Mom for most things in life. There are so many things that my Mom does i really don't notice. My Dad is always trying to help me with something he wants me to be the best I can be. He is tough on me sometimes but, I know he just wants the best from me. They both love me very much. My dogs are a year-and-a-half-old. that are brothers and both look like little all. Baxter is a cuddler he loves to be pet. Bandit …show more content…

I play 3 Sports all year round. The first for his baseball. I have been playing baseball since 6 years old. Baseball has been a really big part of my Sports careers. Baseball is where I got Most of my friends. I play shortstop and pitcher the shortstop is between 3rd and 2nd. and the picture is the one who throws the ball. My most memorable moment of playing baseball was last year when I hit a homerun. I hid it at Uhrichsville Park and I couldn't believe it. 1 more sports that I played basketball. Basketball is another great sport that I played. Basketball is the sport that my dad also played so he can teach me more about this. This is also why he gives me a hard time sometimes. I know he is just trying to help me get better. My most memorable game in basketball was against Dover I scored 16 points and guarded their best player pretty good. we won by one point in the biggest upset of the season. Last sport that I play is football. When I started playing football I was in sixth grade. I played for Eastport Mustangs now I play for the Mustangs. I am the Quarterback which is the person who throws the ball. My best football game was recently when I threw three touchdown

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