Why Are Train Safety Important

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"As the number of drivers increases, more and more people die at railroad crossings. In a car-train collision, the odds that those in the car will live are not very good." This is fairly obvious information, but it is also a good indicator of how important train safety is when teaching new drivers how to interact with the other machines around them.

It is incredibly important that drivers pay close attention to their actions, as well as the circumstances around them when they are near a train or crossing, etc. Well, it's always important to pay attention, but around trains, your chances of survival in the instance of a crash are extremely low, as stated above. It is fairly simple to stay safe around trains, if you follow the rules, remain …show more content…

This is a pretty simple rule to follow, and it can also help you to see oncoming trains when the lights and bells malfunction, or when you can't hear the horn.

Another important rule is to never pass someone on the rails. You never know who could be coming that you didn't see, and you could cause a major accident and potentially hurt them as well. It just isn't a good idea, and it is against the law. You should also never park within fifty feet of the nearest rail, unless the laws in your area permit you to do so, to help prevent accidents and even "second-hand accidents."

Just because you're used to seeing the same trains at the same times each day, doesn't mean they'll still be there every day. You should always expect a train on the rails, at any time of any day. You never know when things might change or when a new train schedule has been introduced. Also, it is just plain important to be smart around trains. Have you ever heard of the series "dumb ways to die"? It is all about train safety and how accidents caused by a lack of train safety are easily preventable. It is important to never drive around barriers, to drive to the other side just because you can't hear the train, and to take out headphones, turn down the radio, or take off your hood on your jacket when you come to a train

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