Why Are Bans On Reptiles Important?

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Why Are Bans on Reptiles Important? There are numerous bans that regulate the ownership of certain reptiles. The punishment varies from fines to jail time. Bans, or laws, are important because they prevent uneducated people who want dangerous reptiles from acquiring them. Many people would think it is cool if they owned an alligator, a king cobra or a Komodo dragon. However, the risks are often overlooked. The thrill of acquiring the reptile outweighs the consequences. Envenomation, strangulation, consumption, and serious injury are all possibilities of what some reptiles can do to harm any person. All animals, domesticated or not, are still wild animals and will act as such. An escaped reptile can wreak havoc in the environment. Bans are in place on certain species of reptiles for these reasons: environmental effects, preventing fatalities and the price of medical help. Due to these factors, there are specific bans for certain species and subspecies. Environmental effects are an enormous cause for bans on certain reptiles. The Florida Everglades have been taken over by discarded pets such as Nile crocodiles, Burmese pythons and Argentine black and white tegus …show more content…

Periodically, there are news stories about a giant pet snake that eats a kid, or a pet cobra that escapes and terrorizes a town. Most people think these stories are exaggerated, however, these stories are completely true. People keep exotic animals as pets for the wow factor. Humans believe they can control all animals regardless if the animal is dangerous or not. Some people like keeping deadly animals in their house because it gives them that shock factor. Or, owning a venomous snack makes them feel powerful. Only trained professionals should work with large carnivorous reptiles, venomous reptiles and large snakes capable of constricting a person to

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