Why Activism Matters To Me As A First Nation Person

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Robert Animikii Horton, "Why Activism Matters to Me As a First Nation Person," Rabble.ca, last modified October 8, 2010, http://rabble.ca/news/2010/10/why-activism-matters-me-first-nation-person.

By ‘natural evolution of things’, I refer to the idea that knowledge (or indigenous culture) is a zero-sum game: in order for progress or new knowledge (ex. technology) to occur, that new knowledge must be taken from somewhere else. Example: The misperception that an indigenous person can’t be both ‘modern’ – i.e., technologically adept or participating in mainstream 21st century activities – whilst also speaking his or her native language or even simply identifying oneself as an ‘indigenous person’. There seems to be this (colonial) view that

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