An Analysis Of The Character Offred In The Handmaid's Tale

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Offred is the protagonist of the novel, and also the narrator. Whilst Offred is a good person, she is not, and has no desire to be the hero stereotype the protagonist of a dystopian novel would be expected to have. Whilst Offred always fights Gilead inwardly, she never takes action to fight it or help overthrow the government, despite the multiple chances she is given. This makes Offred a matter of interest as her character is not conforming to the normal expectations of a protagonist. This is also because we, as the readers, expect the protagonist to be the protagonist for a reason - often to be the one taking action. Writers normally make it so because readers like to relate to characters, and in the most unrelatable situations, we like to relate to the characters we dream we would be. The average person does not dream of being passive like Offred is, but they would imagine themselves to be a Moira or a Nick who are fighting the system and taking action. …show more content…

She has many faults - the passivity to what occurs to her, coupled with the fact that she was complicit in her partner Luke cheating on his then-wife with her are the prominent examples. This furthers the reader's interest in Offred as we are curious to see why Atwood has made her the protagonist of the novel. This also further supports the thematic subject of the effects of inaction as Offred is consistently compliant to many immoral and unjust events throughout the

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