Who Is The Film Truly Pro-War?

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In my opinion this film was pro-war rather than anti-war. I think that the film was pro-war because, in the beginning there was never any talk about not wanting to go to war. There were soldiers walking through the town, people clapping, and the students in the class were given a speech on why they should stand up for their country and join the military. I believe the beginning would have been very different if they were anti-war, they may not have paraded the soldiers through town, there would not have been as many people cheering and clapping for them, and during the speech to the students they may have talked about some of the cons of going into war, or even talked about the problems with the country going to war. I think that the film maker wanted the audience to know what it was like during that time of war, he did not focus on the women or families, but rather the men, who at the time were supposed to fight. The film marker also focused on the war, he wanted to portray the conditions in which most of the soldiers lived, and what they had to do during the time they were fighting. …show more content…

These were just a few of the reasons that were given to the men to join the army and fight in the war. Many of the boys dreamed about what it would be like to make their families proud, one opened the door to his mother who was upset, but a father who was proud to see him in the uniform, one dreamed about the women falling at his feet while walking in formation. These boys were given many reasons to join the army, but I think many of them joined, because they were asked by someone who they looked up too, their teacher was them many reasons to join, but the respect of their teacher, I think is another reason they chose to

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