Who Is Responsible For Romeo And Juliet's Death

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Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet explores the romance and tragedy of young lovers. Lovers who are caught between the yearnings of their own hearts and the hearts of their families. Juliet's family, the Capulet's, were uncaring and violent. They absolutely, disrespected their citizens. They had a low class view on their subjects. This family who rules their city of Verona with a iron fist rules over their daughter, Juliet. Juliet did not want to marry Paris. Lady and Lord Capulet threatened to disown her. Lord Capulet screams at her, Who is responsible in the deaths of Romeo and Juliet? We will explore other characters seen and unseen in the responsibility of their demise. Although the Capulet family reigns over their citizens and their own daughter with aggression, they do hold some responsibility but, fate, Mercutio, the nurse, Tybalt, and Juliet shares in the responsibility as well. …show more content…

Some people think that fate does not truly exist in this world. Fate is somewhat responsible for Romeo and Juliet's death because . Cruel fate permeates throughout the play. Before Romeo travels to the Capulet's ball, where he falls in love and meets, Juliet. He tells us that he has a funny feeling "like hanging in the stars...like it is a destiny". In the beginning the chorus foretells the audience of the duos fate, "A pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life...fearful passage of their death-mark'd love" (I:IV). Their demise was written in the stars. Fate plays a major role in responsibility even in the end of the play when two houses of the Montagues and the Capulets, for example, how ironic it is when a violent act that takes the life of their loved ones finally brings them peace. The unrequited ill-fated lovers and their families face highs and

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