Who Is Responsible For Macbeth's Failure

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Compelling one to execute an action will impact their choice and their comprehensibility on the situation. In the play Macbeth, ones obsession leads to a great extent in their failures subsequently with their success. Macbeth’s obsession to take over and become the new king, led him to take extreme measures, leading to severe consequences and blood spill. Ones Pressure fuels and supports others obsessions which could become destructive, such as Lady Macbeth supporting Macbeth’s obsession in their relationship. Lady Macbeth telling Macbeth he should kill Duncan, so he will not regret that he had the chance and did not take the risk later. “...and yet wouldst wrongly win: thou’dst have, great Glamis, /that which cries, “Thus must thou do, if …show more content…

The prophecies Macbeth got from the Apparitions gave him an advantage along with false sense of insurance safety and peace of mind. “Beware Macduff; Beware the thane of Fife.” (Macbeth 4,1,78-79). The Apparitions warned Macbeth from Macduff for his protection, which he should have used for his benefit. With Macbeth’s advantage knowing to be careful, he got the false hope and safety which in reality did not exist. “Macbeth shall never vanuish’d be until/Great Birnam woof to high Dunsinane hill/shall come against him.” (Macbeth 4,1,101-103). Macbeth got the impression he is immortal since woods cannot possibly move. Giving him high hopes and making him act negligent. The third Apparition put Macbeth above everybody else in his mind by tricking him to see himself as invincible. “...For none of woman born /shall harm Macbeth”. Telling one he could not be killed by an individual born from a woman was the best way to trick Macbeth into an illusion that he was immortal. That made him vulnerable since he did not think C-section was not considered birth. Right when Macbeth thought he was invincible and had all the power it all came crushing on him and all the success turned to a major

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