Who Is Okonkwo In Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart

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Nwoye or Never
This particular author’s book didn’t necessarily inspire me, but it was very informational to real life situations that young men might go through. Growing up I have heard many African American males state that they don’t want to be like their fathers, because their fathers weren’t what they expected them to be. For that reason alone I choose to write about Things Fall Apart written by Chinue Achebe. In this essay I would like to share a brief summary about the book and this will help show why I felt that this author was informative with his writing.
Nwoye is Okonkwo’s eldest son, he was the total opposite of his father and that alone bothered Okonkwo. Okonkwo’s traits come off as very manly while his son has more feminine traits. …show more content…

Nwoye is different in personality, tendencies, and personal beliefs from his father and from the village itself. The text states that “ Okonkwo’s first son, Nwoye, was then twelve years old but was already causing his father great anxiety to his incipient laziness” (Achebe 13). Nwoye was mistreated and misunderstood, because he was different. However, in his father’s eyes that was his way of “fixing” his son. The frustration with Nwoye changed when Ikemefuna entered the picture. Ikemefuna comes in as an adoptive child and gives Nwoye someone besides his father to look up to. In a strange way, Ikemefuna fills the role of both father and brother for Nwoye, providing him with a peer to share his thoughts and a role model to follow behind. With time, the village decided that Ikemefuna must die, leaving Nwoye to grow even further away from his father. It almost seemed as if Nwoye had lost respect for him after he had lost his adoptive brother. Without Ikemefuna’s companionship and influence, and with a loss of faith in his father, Nwoye reverts to his former gentle nature, instead of adhering to the false masculine one he pretended to have in Ikemefuna’s presence. Okonkwo comes to view Nwoye as a disappointment and extremely unmanly. Neither father nor son is able to see and understand where the other is coming from. By Nwoye converting back to his old ways he is …show more content…

In my opinion the meaning of the book was to tell a story and to show how things can change over time. This changed from that to telling a story about brotherly love and the meaning of family. In the book most of the characters issues were based on family and not how colonization changed them. In chapter 16 of Things Fall Apart, “What are you doing here?” Obierika (a friend of Okonkwo) had asked when after many difficulties the missionaries had allowed him to speak to the boy. “I am one of them,” replied Nwoye. “How is your father?” Obierika asked, not knowing what else to say. “I don’t know. He is not my father,” said Nwoye, unhappily.” And so Obierika went to Mbanta to see his friend. And he found that Okonkwo did not wish to speak about Nwoye(16.3-6). Both parties – father and son – have expressed a wish to isolate themselves from each other and cut off all contact. Each is ashamed to be connected to the other because of how one another present themselves. Nwoye still hasn’t forgiven his father for killing Ikemefuna and Okonkwo is upset because of Nwoye’s new religion. Despite their shared blood, there is no affection or respect in their relationships, and thus they no longer consider each other to be family. That is an example of their family issues and how they all relate to each other. In today’s society many families are broken simply because of disagreements. I feel that Chinue achebe shows what father and

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