Who Is Jonathan Rauch In Defense Of Prejudice

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When the word “prejudice” is mentioned in public conversation, undertones of anger and unfairness usually accompany it. Prejudice is often defined as a predetermined opinion not based on fact,experience, or knowledge. Many acts of inequalities and discriminative wrong-doings in history can be traced back to being a result of prejudice.So what place does a concept with such a negative connotation have in an institution of higher education where students and faculty of varying cultures and backgrounds come together to learn? Instinctively, a good number of people would answer that prejudice and its negative consequences have no place in such an environment. However, a contradicting opinion is expressed in an article written by Jonathan Rauch titled “In Defense of Prejudice” . In this article, Rauch expresses his dissatisfaction with the …show more content…

Arizona State University (2005), stated humans have learned to be prejudiced “through evolution as an adaptive response to protect ourselves from danger”. However, this instinct goes wrong because a majority of people are unable to see past prejudices and develop better understandings of their environments. This often results in harmful acts between different groups and would suggest that it must be controlled if not eliminated. Based on Rauch's thinking however, prejudice and its developments should not be removed from public environments like the university campus because it is necessary to have true intellectual pluralism based on unfiltered human thoughts. The question remains of whether the benefits of intellectual pluralism have to come at the cost of allowing harmful acts of prejudice to exist. In the university setting, the answer is no. So long as universities work to channel prejudice as a means of advancing knowledge the way Rauch believes it should, the negative developments of prejudice that people attempt to eradicate would be kept to a

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