Who Is John Bender In The Breakfast Club

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Could it be that humans are more than what society has chosen to identify one as? In the movie The Breakfast Club directed by John Hughes; John Bender is known as a rebel due to his disrespectful attitude towards his peers. When making decisions driven by fear, one will think deeper about the consequences resulting in that individual making smarter choices. John Bender acts like a delinquent and always talks big, he threatens people that could be way stronger than him without caring about the consequences. When Richard Vernon--the principal--brings Bender into his office during detention, the boy gets is surprised to hear Vernon's threat to beat him, even offering the teen the first punch. Bender then cowers away and is called out for being a "gutless turd." Swallowing his pride for his safety, Bender makes the decision to stay quiet. He knew he had no chance of winning a fight against his principal and using that knowledge, he decided that it would be best to remain During the movie, it is shown that Bender has a cigarette burn on his arm caused by his alcoholic parent. Knowing that, it is safe to assume that Bender’s resentment towards others comes from his jealousy at their perfect life. Bender has a need to feel power over others just like his father has/had power over him, he wants to cause fear in people to make others feel the same way he does around his father. Acting as a delinquent will keep other individuals away which is exactly what Bender had wanted in order to feel secure. Individuals do whatever is necessary to survive. Naturally, humans pick the safest route when it comes to making decisions that could affect one for a long period of time, even eternity. Hearing other people's stories helped Bender understand other individuals better than he had when he first walked in on that Saturday. No one has a flawless life and there’s more to people than mere

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