Who Is Friar Lawrence In Romeo And Juliet

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Friar Laurence is an important character that not only helps Romeo and Juliet get married and devise a plan for their reunion, but also contributes to their ultimate demise. In addition, Shakespeare depicts Friar Laurence as an imperfect religious figure as he is willing to compromise the religious sanctity of marriage for his own political gain. When Romeo first approaches Friar Laurence he seems suspicious of Romeo’s new love as Friar Laurence states, “God pardon sin! Wast thou with Rosaline?...Is Rosaline, that thou didst love so dear, so soon forsaken? (2.3,44-67). This illustrates that Friar Laurence is questioning Romeo about his sudden new passion. Although he finds it odd that Romeo has found a new love he still agrees to marry Romeo and Juliet in order to
Additionally, Friar Laurence also states, “young men’s love then lies in not truly in their hearts, but in their eyes” (2.3,67-68). Therefore, it is evident that Friar Laurence believes Romeo’s infatuation with Juliet is merely superficial, but still goes ahead with marrying the two. This also illustrates that he does not understand the love between them. Although Shakespeare presents Friar Laurence as a character who wants peace and has good intentions, his character is flawed in the sense that he is too obsessed with trying to end the family rivalry. As a result, his attempt to put an end to the family rivalry, though successful, results in Romeo and Juliet’s death. Their family feud once again plays a vital role in interrupting Romeo and Juliet’s love, as trying to stop the rivalry influences Friar Laurence’s ill-conceived plan resulting in Romeo and Juliet’s demise. Therefore, Romeo and Juliet’s love is impossible to survive in a world that is explicitly influenced by the flawed social structure. Friar Laurence’s misguided plan ultimately kills Romeo and Juliet and their

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