Who Is Abigail Guilty In The Crucible

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In The Crucible by Arthur Miller, Abigail had an affair with John proctor, she lied about when they were dancing in the wood, and she threatened the children into calling out townspeople for witchcraft. Her actions lead to 19 people people hung and 200 people accused. Abigail is the most responsible because she lies to the judges she also threatens the girls if they spoke out she also accuses a lot of innocent people. Abigail is a lair she lied in court saying that. "I saw Sarah good with the devil (189)." By saying this she wanted Sarah good to be hung. But since Sarah good was pregnant they didn't hung her. She also lied to the judge about other people. While Abigail and the girls were dance Abigail drank blood. When they were caught by

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