Whiteness As A Property, By Cheryl I. Harriss

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Much of Chicano history is not really known and it's not taught almost anywhere, and what is not known is that much of our history is rooted from other group of people such as the Arawaks, Indigenous people from Hispaniola and African people brought as slaves from the motherland we call Africa. In order to understand Chicano history we have to understand their history, and the inequality of race, social and economic inequality and how whiteness is implemented as soon as Columbus arrives in Hispaniola and how this all connects to our own history. When Columbus set foot in Hispaniola, his first goal was to find gold and his first way of doing it was to enslave the Arawaks to help him find the gold. Since there was no gold, he colonized Hispaniola …show more content…

Harris states how whiteness is a privilege and says that "being White ensured greater economic, political and social security and access to many privileges." (Harris, 1713) Being White gave you freedom, equal rights and power over other people who were not consider White. The idea of Whiteness comes from the early days of colonialism when the first settlers arrived to the United States, as well imperialism. Harris talks about "passing" among the African American communities in the United States which according to Harris it was "a feature of race subordination in all societies structured on white supremacy." She then gives us an example on how her grandmother used to pass as White every day she went to work and how her grandmother couldn't bear it anymore where self-annihilation was the only way to keep on going. Harris also argues about property and how being a White person in the United States, made everything easier and how many benefits came from those rights of owning that kind of property. Harris states "The law's construction of whiteness defined and affirmed critical aspects of identity, of privilege, and of property. Whiteness at various times signifies and is deployed as identity, status, and property, sometimes singularly, sometimes in tandem" (Harris, 1725) it argues how being White gave you all the rights in this country and being Black put you in a different position, it took away your basic rights as a human, it gave you many disadvantages in both socially, economically but one important one is their stand in the political position. Being White is being pure and made you a superior human and being Black is being inferior and undesirable which could be traced all the way to the early days of slavery and plantation days as well early colonialism which they were laws supporting Whiteness and blacks were being used to make White people rich with all the work they had to go through every day. In order

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