White Hair History

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White Hair

Most Asian men are terrified of white hair; the way girls are terrified of their first period. It signifies the start of a whole new phase of their lives; the beginning of deteriorating looks, decreasing energy, and a growing potbelly. In each generation, only a few buck the trend and morph into replicas of Richard Gere.
When we were very young, my dad would offer us 1 cent for every strand of white hair we plucked from his head. He was obsessed with having a fully black head then, and we were obsessed with getting coins. (We even sold presents we never used to my mum's piano students.) It was fun competing with my brother to see who could pluck out more hair. We would be grabbing tufts of his hair while he drove us to our art class, yelling at dad to keep still, and squealing in delight upon finding strands of softly shimmering treasure. My father would then proceed to inspect our work, sometimes proclaiming a strand of silver hair we had pulled out impure, thus forfeiting our payment. …show more content…

We grew up in no time; resigned as his hairdressers. He never got down to hiring anyone else. Nonetheless, we could still catch him squinting into the mirror in the evenings, his head angled awkwardly, trying to get rid of those tell-tale signs of old age.
Recently, the subject of white hair was brought up again in the car, one of the rare moments when dad temporarily recovers from deafness.
With nothing but car bumpers and dad's head to focus on, I suddenly realized that his hair was now almost entirely grey!
I immediately exclaimed, "Dad, look at the amount of white hair you have now, you'll turn bald if you keep pulling white hair out!"
"Oh, don't worry, you can always get a wig," someone quipped.
"Or a

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