White Australia Policy In The 1850's

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The white Australia policy began in the 1850’s in attempt to create a one-race country, Letting Chinese and Pacific Island foreigners was good at the time but it came back around to bite them in the bum.

The white Australia policy all began when Australia’s British Prisoners were rapidly declining and therefore Australians were forced to import the labor needed to work in its mines. So instead of importing from Europe they began to import from countries like China and the Pacific Islands. Australians turned to the Chinese for an easy, available source for all their labor. The Chinese would sign documents saying that they would work for a set period of time in exchange for their passage to Australia. This caused anger among the citizens of Australia because the Chinese were willing to work for lower wages, work longer hours, and were more dedicated to their work than the average Australian worker. The gold miners were immediately begun to worry about their job security. Many governments especially the Victorian began to worry about the rapidly increasing number of Chinese and Pacific island immigrants. Years 1853 to 1857 number of immigrants rose from two thousand to forty thousand. …show more content…

This only slowed it down, the Chinese found many other ways to slip into Australia including making there own boats and smuggling. . New South Wales and South Australia passed similar laws in the late 1850's and early 1860's. The main flow of immigrants then directed themselves to Queensland, and by the 1870’s Australia only outnumbered the Chinese by a ten to one ratio. By 1881 the flow finally managed to slow down due to the restrictive tax that was placed on the incoming Chinese throughout

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