Theme Of Whirligig By Paul Fleischman

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Whirligig by Paul Fleischman is a story full of life lessons, challenges and solutions but just as important are the consequences of these actions affecting not only the person but people around them. Theses themes are what we all go through as teenegers. There are many tools in the story which tries to convey these themes but the ones that stood out are symbolism and omniscient narrator. The symbolism of chess and whirligigs plays a significant role in overcoming challenges and finding solutions where as the omniscient narrator gives another level of insight into Brent's thoughts and actions and how it relates to teenagers.

The author uses an omniscient narrator to show Brent's thoughts and actions as a teenager, to show what they face and how teenagers can relate to him. This was shown when Brent first …show more content…

At the start of the novel Brent claims that he is a king as a way of having power. “They are the pawns. You are a king. You have a king absolute power within you” This shows that Brent tries to tell himself that he is a king and have power over his own life. We know that Brent lacks in power of his own life and more like a pawn which is the weakest piece in the game. Coming to the end of the novel Brent says “ Brent felt like a rook, riding north on 1-95, making another end to end chess move along the country's perimeter.” This shows that Brent is coming to the end of his journey, discovering his identity. In a chess game the rook is a important piece during the end of a game as they make big moves, just like brent moving across America. Brent is now who he wants to be and can not be influenced to please by the people around him. Brent has changed a lot from the self conscious tantrum thrower who only thought about himself. Now Brent is enjoying becoming his own person and taking responsibilities for his

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