Where She Went

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“Where She Went” is a sequel to the very popular novel “If I Stay”. It’s about Mia, a very great cello player, and her boyfriend Adam, a hard rock kind of guy. Mia had decided to go to Juliard after getting accepted before her fatal accident, while Adam was in a band and had decided to go with them after Mia rejected his offer of going with her. They tried out the long distance relationship, and it apparently didn’t work out. Mia stopped answering his calls, ignored his texts, and shut him out for good. Adam didn’t know what he did, and he was very upset about this. It had been his first true love, but he moved on to another girlfriend after “getting over” her, Bryn. Bryn helped them with their band, planning wise, and she planned for them to be going on a tour soon. …show more content…

One night he decided to go out since the rest of the band was on planning on being on their flight to London, and he planned to go the next day. He was walking around town when he crossed a theater that said in big lights “MIA HALL”. He wanted to go see the show, just to hear her play, but the sign said they were sold out. He went up the desk and was told they had one seat left, which wasn’t a very good one. He felt out of place because of his clothes, because everyone else had dressed up, and he was wearing an everyday outfit. He found his seat, and shortly after the show began. He closed his eyes the whole time, just to focus on the sound of the music. After the show he started to leave right away when someone stopped him. It was someone who worked at the theater that said Mia had wanted him to come backstage. As the night went on, Mia invited him to go out on the city with her as they caught up on what was happening in each other’s lives. They went to all of Mia’s favorite places around the city. At one point, Mia and Adam took a ferry ride to the Statue of

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