Where Are You Going Where Have You Been Connie

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A nagging mother, an overachieving sister, and a fifteen year old girl that just wants to live. Joyce Carol Oates's short story, "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?", is a story that portrays almost every teenager girls life. The desire to get out and experience the world is what creates a whole new conflict for the main character, Connie. Connie is a protective daughter that will go to great lengths to save her family. Connie is a fifteen year old girl trying to live up to her mother's standards. Her mother would constantly compare Connie to her older sister, June. Connie was prettier than June, and she knew it. Connie's mother constantly scolded her about it. Connie would check her appearance regularly. "Her mother, who noticed everything …show more content…

Just like many teenage girls, Connie has a life and personality that her parents know nothing about. The way she acted and looked was very different in public than at home. "She wore a pull-over jersey blouse that looked one way when she was at home and another way when she was away from home"(200). Connie knew that her mother would not approve of the things she did or the way she dressed, so had two sides to her personality. Oates makes it easy for the reader to relate to that part of the story, because most teenagers have hidden something from their parents, or act a different way when they are away from home. Connie does start to feel bad about keeping secrets from her mother. "Her mother was so simple, Connie thought, that it was maybe cruel to fool her so much"(201). Connie knew it was bad to lie to her mother so often, but she thought it was …show more content…

When Arnold Friend approached her at her house, Connie did what she had to do to protect her family. She knew that he was bad. She tried to call for help, but Arnold Friend threaten to hurt her family if she touched the phone. Arnold tried to manipulate her into thinking that her family did not care about her. "They don't know one thing about you and never did and honey, you're better than them because not a one of them would have done this for you"(210). After saying those words to Connie, she walks out and leaves with him. She knew what he was trying to do. He was trying to turn her against her family. It did not work. She did what she had to do in order to protect her family. She had to leave with Arnold Friend. She left with him so willingly because she knew deep down that her family would do whatever it took to find

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