Where Are You Going Where Have You Been Summary

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Why “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been” is The Best Fictional Story:

What you are about to read is based on a historical event dating back to the 1960’s. The name(s) have been changed in order to protect the identities of the deceased. This is “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been” by Joyce Carol Oates. This week, the students were told to read four short stories and decide on which one is the best along with making a fiction argumentative essay. “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been” by Oates is the best short story out of the four because of the origin it is based on, the relatable storyline, and the abrupt ending to it all.

Warning: this was based on actual events involving one of the characters. Let us start …show more content…

The origin of this story is that of a man named Charles Schmid who had developed the reputation of “The Pied Piper of Tucson” in the early 1960’s as a serial killer. Schmid was known for not being as attractive to people, but he would perceive himself as the victim’s age by dressing with a certain style, …show more content…

Let us start with the characters. Now, Connie is your basic teenage girl that lies to mom and dad just so they can get their fun and kicks. Connie’s sister, June, of course, is the polar opposite of Connie herself. She does not lie, she does exactly what is told of her, and she does not complain. These two characters are very relatable for people who have siblings and are almost always being compared to one another. The next character that needs to be brought into the open is Arnold Friend. The character Arnold Friend, referring back to the previous statement made in the second paragraph, the warning was not completely false. Unlike the other short stories, “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been’ was based off of an organic background with an organic character. Mr. Friend was based off of an actual serial killer named Charles Schmid, a.k.a “The Pied Piper of Tucson.” Now, about this storyline, it was not that hard to comprehend; the basic “all-American” family, a teenager who despises her parent(s), parent(s) uses the comparison and contrast on their children, but the teenager gets the short end of the stick? Who does not enjoy a good storyline, am I right? Those type of twists and turns that will just have you on the edge of your seat are the absolute best. The only question to you all is, how many people love a surprising

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