' When Waiting Is Weightless: The Virtue Of Patience?

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For a person like me majoring in Computer Science, this talk highlighted the importance of presenting ideas to the world. Chris in his professional world is certainly a genius roboticist, but in this talk, he has to approach a wider audience, to show the product of his effort to the world. So, he used different rhetorically effective approaches like metaphors, contrasts to illustrate how self-driving can make commutes safe, and be usable for a versatile group of people. Moreover, people like me majoring in technical field do not take subjects like English seriously, as they won’t directly get involved in the fields of English in the future. But, what I have learnt from this talk is that, English as a subject if taken seriously can change the …show more content…

The word patience can be linked to the fact that Chris and his group have long been working since 2008 to successfully release a self-driving car, but yet haven’t released the final versions of it. Similarly, I am highly inspired by the idea of one article, “When Waiting is Weightless: The Virtue of Patience”, where author, Joseph H. Kupfer uses different concepts to talk about the importance of being patient. The line, “Patience is an instrumental virtue. It is instrumental in two respects: with regard to particular ends and with regard to other virtues. As we have seen, patience enables us to achieve our ends, or to achieve them better than would otherwise be the case,” clearly motivates everyone to be aware of the prospective benefits of our current patience and hard work. For instance: A number of college dropouts happen in the freshman year. Most of the drop outs have a mindset that college degree isn’t necessary for the future, so they are not patient enough to think ahead of time and visualize the opportunities after graduating from college. Although, I was never this intolerant, but I also wasn’t very optimistic about my success in future either. However, after listening to this talk, I have a feeling that raw ideas take a long time to convert into a beneficial product. This talk also helped me realize the power of unity in a group. Chris, in the talk constantly uses the word “team” to relate to his partners

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