When Did I Become A Christ Figure Research Paper

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I can remember bits and pieces of my baptism when I was 8 years old, and all of it brings wonderful memories: The white jumpsuit, my smiling relatives, and the spirit that was present when my Dad baptized me. A couple days before my baptism, I promised I was going to be perfect for as long as I could, and that I would do everything to follow Jesus Christ. Those days have long since passed, and unfortunately I wasn’t able to keep perfect for too long and my efforts to follow Christ have from time to time fallen short. So what was it that changed, did I become a less adequate disciple as time went on? I would like to think that is not the case, and I can draw parallels to Peter who struggled through the same process as I did. The story of Peter …show more content…

Before Christ’s crucifixion, Christ said to his disciples, “All ye shall be offended because of me this night: for it is written, I will smite the shepherd, and the sheep of the flock shall be scattered abroad…Peter answered and said unto him, Though all men shall be offended because of thee, yet will I never be offended.” (The Holy Bible, Matt. 26.31-33) Peter’s intentions are pure and his testimony is strong, as he said in Matthew 16, “Thou art the Christ.” (Matt.16.16) These was a precarious time to be a follower of Jesus Christ and many have forsaken him because of his teachings. There were many priests that were conspiring against Christ, and yet here is Peter, the Rock, who said was willing to die for him. But then, Christs says, “Verily I say unto thee, That this night, before the cock crow, thou shalt deny me thrice.” (Matt. 26.34) This was unfathomable, and yet Peter did just that when he was questioned by others in the court outside of Jesus’ trial and wept bitterly because of it. Why did he do it? Peter when placed in the situation where his life was in peril if he announced his loyalty did something that any person fearing their life would do, and that is going into survival mode. This passage shows how real the disciples are, and that they made as many mistakes as we do today. Peter was not yet fully converted, but he was not doomed to destruction. Christ later visits the disciples, …show more content…

So how can this apply this passage to us as latter day saints? Even though I have not been a perfect disciple since my baptism, I was endowed with the gift of the Holy Ghost a few minutes later, and that has been a great blessing in my life. I am very grateful for the grace of Jesus Christ, that even though I fall short time and time again, he will make up for it. We have spoken in class of Alma and Paul who went to extremes to persecute followers of Christ, and yet they were brought up to know the goodness of God. If they can repent so could Peter and so can we! It starts with the repentance process which begins with us recognizing our sin with Godly sorrow. Peter experienced this when he wept bitterly after the cock crowed. We then have to pray and ask forgiveness, and forsake these sins, we are using the grace of Jesus Christ and inviting the Holy Ghost back into our lives. Even though we are imperfect and have so many distractions in our world today, we can still be wonderful and power Disciples of Christ. In this world, strong disciples are needed and like Peter we can be a powerful force for

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