What's Eating Gilbert Grape Essay

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From the movie “What’s Eating Gilbert Grape?” I chose to analyze the character, Gilbert Grape who is portrayed by Johnny Depp. Gilbert Grape is a young man from a small town who has a great deal of responsibility. The majority of his responsibilities and concerns revolve around his mother who can no longer leave the house or do anything by herself because she has become terribly overweight. She cannot make dinner, take care of her children, or even move by herself. Gilbert occasionally makes fun of her weight. Gilbert’s biggest responsibility though would have to be looking after his younger brother, Arnie, who is played by Leonardo DiCaprio. This is a big responsibility because Arnie is mentally impaired, and always seems to find trouble. Gilbert has a steady job at a local …show more content…

Erikson states, “A person’s assessment of the importance of certain content areas in relation to others influences the use of resources, the direction of certain decisions, and the kinds of experiences that may be perceived as most personally rewarding or threatening.” Therefore, during adolescence years, individuals are challenged in finding out who they are, what they are all about, and where they see themselves in the future. While, attempting to support his extremely dysfunctional family, Gilbert often finds it impossible to find his personal identity. Gilbert’s lack of any type of social life is because of the huge amounts of pressure he has to support his family, and watch over Arnie. Gilbert has been forced to play the role of ‘dad’ ever since his dad committed suicide in the family’s basement. He gave up having a social life to deliver groceries and stock shelves just to make sure his family is taken care of. These are things that someone of his age should not have to worry about. Gilbert should be out enjoying himself, instead of constantly caring for his mom and

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