What Were The Ideals Of Democracy In Brazil

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People get used to changing if the change was slow. From 1630-1700 there was not any true and pure democracy, but there were democratic ideals. These ideas were the small changes that brought about the hope of a future democratic world. In Brazil, during this time you would think there is absolutely no type of democracy or democratic ideals because there is slavery, and one of the main ideas of democracy is that everyone is treated equally. In Salem there was a completely different way on how people would assume there was not any democracy, the witch trial did kill a significant amount of people; although they did kill these people there were ideals that were democratic although not used in a true and pure democratic way, were at their base roots democratic ideals. …show more content…

There were slaves in Brazil which is already a very big strike back against democratic values, but the villages that the escaped and freed slaves lived in had a couple democratic values. They elected some of their leaders, although some of them were chosen because they had royal blood and were previously ruler, they still elected them back. In these villages, there was also freedom of religion, which there was not in the Brazilian government currently. Many different religions flourished in this community that allowed all religions. Although you cannot see a clear government based solely on democratic views and ideas, there are the beginnings of something that could become a democratic society that is more accepting, and the fact that the slaves created their own villages with their own system of government shows that they are striving for a different life, and although are not physically fighting back, they are creating the change that they want

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