What Role Does Macbeth Play In The Elizabethan Era

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In the beginning of the 17th century a group known as the Elizabethan society was spreading throughout Europe. Elizabethans were avid thinkers and developers of new concepts and ideas pertaining life and it’s makings. Elizabethans were quite interested in the universe and believed there was a hierarchical ladder that all divisions of life fall on to. An image taken from the Elizabethan time era physically shows a flight of stairs in which each step is labeled with a Latin word that points to an angel, a human, a lion, a tree, a bush, and some rocks. Elizabethans believed each step represents a puzzle piece; without each piece the picture is not complete or in other words the universe would crumble in chaos. Starting from the bottom and working one’s way higher up the staircase one can easily analyze that the intelligence of …show more content…

This play shows Elizabethan beliefs on a smaller scale which pertains to humans and the royal succession. Macbeth, Thane of Glamis, has a role to play in the government of Scotland and he has a certain obligations in which he is assigned to. Despite the power he already has, Macbeth desires to be the King of Scotland and is willing to do some vile deeds to achieve his goal. Macbeth obtains his goal and is named king, yet this has broken the chain of royalty in Scotland. Macbeth has left his place in the chain of royalty and the consequences are a dead king, utter chaos, and an inescapable fate. This representation of the great chain of being on a smaller scale shows that with the destruction of a link in the chain comes with the fall of the entire empire. Elizabethan belief shows that if this event were to occur on the universe's chain of being then life would cease to exist and all that is anything would crumble. This belief led a prosperous and knowledgeable society that had a respect for the universe and everything that it

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