What Really Happened In Donald Trump´s Fake News?

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Fake News was a popular term during the 2016 election particularly with then candidate Donald Trump. Its meaning changed when Donald Trump used the term to describe news outlets he disagreed with. He usually called out the press during the White House press conferences or on Twitter. During a press conference he was saying “You are fake news” to CNN’s Jim Acosta. He even tweeted that “Any negative polls are fake news….” Fake news has a negative impact on the general public and is usually designed to sway the public’s opinion or increase financial gains. In ancient Rome, the spread of false information has caused the death of Mark Antony and Cleopatra. After a defeat at the Battle of Actium, Antony heard rumours that Cleopatra had committed …show more content…

Propaganda is the intentional spread of misinformation usually to advance one’s goals. Propaganda was commonly used in dictatorships such as the Soviet Union or Nazi Germany. One of the common forms of propaganda during World War II was posters and newspapers. The Cambridge English dictionary defines the term ‘Fake News’ as, “False stories that appear to be news, spread on the internet or using other media, usually created to influence political views or as a joke (Cambridge).” Callum Borchers, a political journalist for the Washington Post, writes that fake news has lost its meaning because of President Donald Trump. He argues that the term used to mean news that is completely false and made up, but now is used to describe news that conflicts with one’s opinion …show more content…

According to the poll, eighty percent of Republican voters, sixty percent of independent voters, and fifty-three percent of Democratic voters believe there is fake news in the mainstream media. Even though, the majority of American voters believe that the mainstream media is putting out fake news, a different poll by Harvard-Harris states that sixty percent of voters believe President Trump is treating the media unfairly (Easley). This can be interpreted that even though the general public has a dislike to the mainstream media, they think that trump is attacking the media too harshly. Fake News not only affects the United States, but also other countries throughout the world. For example, there was a concern about Fake News during the Italian elections in 2016 (Horowitz). The main cause for concern was that the outcome of the election could have influenced the Italian economic policies and in turn influence the European

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