What Really Happened At The Frat Party?

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"Every flower must grow through dirt" -Laurie Jean Sennott
You’re walking down the avenue alone. Your friends are still having fun at the frat party that started way too early in the evening. Your world is spinning and you regret drinking that last mixture of vodka and orange juice. You go to grab your phone to use it as a flashlight, but you find out it’s dead. The only light you have guiding you home is the faint glow of the moon. No street lamps, no cell phone, and most importantly, no one with you to keep you safe.
As you continue walking, you can’t help but feel really sleepy. You start to wonder if you saw someone mess with your cup at the party. Before you know it, someone runs out and grabs you from behind as you collapse into their arms.
Thanks to the sun shining bright in your eyes, you wake up and find …show more content…

Did you trip and fall, knocking yourself unconscious while walking back? Did you get mugged? Was someone following you home?
Of all the things that could've happened last night, the only one that doesn't come to mind is rape. “It could never happen to me” you say. “It's just a phenomenon that everyone tells you about so you’ll be more careful while you're away at school” you think as you remember the rape unit in sex ed from sophomore year of high school. This “urban legend” that you think could never happen to you, just did.
The harsh reality is that rape is just that, a reality. It's a reality that one in every five college-aged women have to endure, but what did they do to deserve it? Did they drink too much? Did they “ask for it” by dressing a certain way? Was it their fault? No. Nobody wants to be the victim of rape and our society has a way of protruding this just-world phenomenon on all rape victims, but especially women, and it makes them feel like they are all alone and no one is willing to listen or help

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